Co-Met Network

Co-met Network is a morden form of crypto currency and an influential system that has an innovative ideas and concepts to provide gamified experience for all users by allowing them to start mining, regardless of technical aptitude and fully participate in the new crypto currency economy. The view of Co-met Network is to provide each miner a simple, secure and robust experience.


Cryptocurrencies are a type of digital currency decentralized and not controlled by any government. The history of cryptocurrencies can be traced back to the 1980s, when they were called cyber currencies. These coins started gaining popularity in 2008 with the introduction of Bitcoin, which was created by an anonymous programmer or group of programmers under the name Satoshi Nakamoto. Since the launch of Bitcoin in 2009, cryptocurrencies have been all the rage. Over the past few years, their popularity has only grown, with more and more people investing in them. Currently, Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency with over a millions users. Other popular cryptocurrencies include Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, and Dash, which have been taking over the financial world.

Beyond releasing new coins into circulation, mining is central to crypto's security. It verifies and secures the blockchain, which allows cryptocurrencies to function as a peer-to-peer decentralized network without any need for oversight from a third party. And it creates the incentive for miners to contribute their computing power to the network.

We know that cryptocurrency mining can be very profitable if done right with the correct mindset. Mining is a safest way of investing in cryptocurrencies alongside balancing and diversifying a crypto portfolio. One of the advantages of mining is that it makes it more challenging for new investors to become victims of the temptation of gambling, panic, fear, or market manipulation. This suggests that mining is the best way to start investing in cryptocurrencies. Therefore, CO-MET Network is set to make mining as easy as possible and cost-saving and energy-saving.

Free mining app

Co-met Network is a new crypto currency has an innovative ideas and aim to simplify user experience in crypto currencies economy. Co-met Network is a modern mobile mining solution, uses cloud-based mining therefore it uses minimal battery. The best part of the concept is that it is entirely free to get started and mine Co-met (just download our app) for as long as the supply last.

The Co-met application gives users the ability to mine Co-met coin free on a smart phone with just a click. Users can now get the cryptocurrency every 24 hours on Android and iOS apps. The only requirement is to check into the app and click to activate the mining process. There is no need of any special hardware. It is completely free for everyone.

our aims is to provide free mining to increase adoption rate of cryptocurrency all over the world. With the Co-met network mining app, users receives mining rewards by contributing to the network. Co-met Network application is free to download and use, users also have the opportunity to be rewarded in a growing asset without investing from their own pockets.

CO-MET Network Vision

Co-met Network's vision is to establish an open internet platform and an ecosysteam of Decentralized application for that we are committed to utilizing blockchain technology. We will also progressively introduce mobile games, social network, e-commerce payment, and lifestyle services with the ultimate goal of turning every user’s role as the platform’s consumer, contributor and value owners at the same time.


The Co-met Network development team is working on building an easy-to-use wallet mobile app, integrated with WalletConnect, to ensure secure storage of keys, and seamless mechanism to connect browser-based DApps to the mobile app. Users can interact with DApps on browsers and in the future many more devices, while still keeping their keys secure in their mobile wallet.

Vision of Co-met Network is to provide an interface for users and payment APIs and SDKs for DApps, merchant, and users to instantly accept or pay in crypto assets. Our aim is to make the crypto payment process very simple and easy for anyone regardless of technical aptitude to fully participate in the cryptocurrency economy.

Roles in Co-met Network

There is currently only one role in the Network, the role of Miner which describes the individual that uses the app in order to earn Co-met coin.


Co-met Network miner whose job is to confirm that he/she is basically not a “robot” daily. This user validates his/her presence every day as he/she must open the app every 24 hours to continue earning Co-met coins. A Miner can make the base rate of 2 Co-met coins per hour, which can be broken down to 1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.1 in line with the user base growth. Hence, it is always important to get started now before the base rate is halved. By logging into the mobile app every 24 hours and clicking the mining button, users participate in the gamified mining experience. Unlike many mining platforms, there is no need for a vast amount of energy to mine.


The person referring a new player gets a 25% boost to their mining rate. The new miner has the option to enter a referral code at the time of creating their account. While this is not mandatory, it is advised as the new user receives 10 Co-met coin for using a friend’s referral code. The concept of referral proposes the ability of miners to authenticate new players, since each player contributes equally to the network’s security and stability.

Core Team

The Co-met Network core team is composed of experts with specialism in internet & blockchain technology, mathematics & cryptography experts. we are in progress of forming Co-met Foundation. We will announce the list of core team members and advisors upon the establishment of the foundation. As the Foundation and the core team own 20% of the total issued Co-met Coins as development reward, these Co-met will be also be allocated to project sponsors and the further build-up of Co-met Network ecosystem

Road map details

The project has been structured in four phases in order to create an easy-to-understand overview of the development plan from the team.

phase 1

  • Project inception
  • Core team formation
  • Research and Devlopment
  • Mobile mining app launch
  • Distribution and trust graph
  • Eco system build up
  • Smart contract & Token create
  • One millon users
  • During this phase we improve the user experience.

phase 2

  • Two million users
  • Crypto games launch
  • Co-met Dex/wallet devlopment
  • Staking feature

phase 3

  • Three Millon miners.
  • KYC
  • Cex/Dex Listing
  • Co-met market place
  • NFT market place

phase 4

  • Welcome to Co-metaverse